Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A Brief Recap

Wow, what a day!!   First of all, I am completely overwhelmed and grateful for the outpouring of love shown to our family these past two days.  I had a few minutes to check facebook when Gracie was first in surgery and many, many of my friends had Gracie's or Buzz Lightyear's photos as their profile pictures.  I'm still reading through the many messages and comments and am hoping there is a way I can print them all off--if someone is near a printer, I would love it if you could do that!!  I'm afraid if I wait until I go home, I won't have access to everything.  My heart is so full!!  I live in such an awesome community, I grew up in an awesome community, went to college with amazing people...what a terrific life to know all of you!!  I am blessed beyond measure.

This morning, leaving Gracie in the OR was one of the most difficult things I have ever done.  I knew she was going into something that carried some great risk.  She trusts me so much, looked at me with those big black eyes, and said, "help me, Mommy."  OH MY GOODNESS.  I couldn't--not at all.  I can't even tell you how many people were in that OR, but there were many, each with a very specific job to make sure Gracie had the best possible outcome today.  Although that comforted me greatly, I just couldn't leave.  After a few, "THanks for your help, Mom.",  "She's in good hands, Mom.", "Gracie's asleep, Mom", I finally got the hint that they really did not need my service anymore.  It's at that time that I was forced to surrender any bit of control over this situation and completely entrust my daughter to all of these professionals--that I did.  More importantly, I prayed.  "God, please be everything for her, be all she needs."

Throughout the morning and into the early afternoon, we received updates about how Gracie was doing--nothing out of the ordinary.  It was hard to get access to her vascular system, so it took quite some time to get her lines and IVs in, they opened her chest, they put her on bypass, her surgeon did his thing.  Around 1:30 Curtis called and said Gracie's surgeon wanted to talk to us.  That is when I freaked out.  Completely.  You see, we were planning on surgery taking all day, perhaps into the evening.  When he wanted to talk, I was certain it was not going to be good.  We went into the little room, waited a few minutes, and in he walked with an easiness about him.  This was going to be OK.  The operation was done...DONE!!  They were closing her chest and everything seemed to be working.  AWESOME!

We were able to be with her by 3:00 and she really looks great.  Of course, there are a few issues--one of her lungs has collapsed, she was running a temp--it appears to be going down, there are
some issues with her pressures.  Nothing major right now, but all a bit concerning.  Gracie is in the best place now--the most fabulous nurses are caring for her.  I actually went to the hotel tonight to try and sleep.  I think I better leave my computer! 

Sweet dreams to all of you as our little princess is having some sweet dreams of her own!



1 comment:

  1. Your amazing journey continues. God's grace will carry you through any ups and downs that are to come :-) And precious Gracie's strength inspires all of us!!
