Sunday, October 16, 2011

The days just keep getting better!!

Gracie had yet another amazing...and productive day!!  She woke up a little crabby, then Derek and Selah came in the door and she had a complete reversal of attitude--she was excited!  She has eaten really well today--I would say she ate a normal day's worth of food.  She went for lots of walks to the playroom and played.  At first, she just painted a bit, the next time was into the toys, then her cousins came for a visit!!  That was so much fun!  They completely decked out Gracie's hospital room--I'm so bummed I didn't take any pictures while they were here--they are four amazing girls, riding 8 hours in the car to spend a little time with the Princess. 

This afternoon she had her arterial line and all access removed because they don't want to chance an infection.  At first the plan was to just place another IV, but doctors don't think it's necessary!!  They aren't even checking her blood anymore because the numbers have been so great.  She is seriously on the mend!!  Then a couple of hours later they removed another chest tube, so she is down to one and it should come out right away in the morning.  There is talk of discharge.  I won't get my hopes up yet, because we know things can still happen, but really Gracie is flying through this surgery and will probably recuperate better at home. 
Tonight we are having a slumber party!!  I'm snuggling in with her in a tiny hospital bed.  She's already told me I'm hogging the bed--I am only 100 pounds heavier and it's a single bed!!  My goodness, girl!  I do think we are going to have our hands full for awhile at home.  It's good to see her personality coming back, it's just the demanding part that is coming back first :).  We are getting lots of hugs and kisses once again, but she is still pretty subdued and quiet.  Grandma is coming in the morning, so that should perk her up a bit!!

We have had some sweet stories around here.  I have some sweet friends, that is for sure!  One of them has been sending me cards every day.  EVERY DAY.  It's crazy how the experiences of the day are fitting the card.  For example, she sent me one that said she was praying Gracie's stay in the hospital would be a blessing to other people, that God would place people in our paths who need Jesus.  That very day God gave us a huge encounter with another family that would bless both of us, a new friendship, the hope of Gracie's life would give another woman hope for her child's life.  Beautiful.  Then a couple of other friends packed this huge bag of treats for Gracie and me.  I thought I'd be here forever, so I was so slow to open this bag--I was saving just a little treat for every day--now I can indulge!!  These friends also included scriptures, sweet quotations, little reads because they understand I don't have the time or focus for anything that would require thought right now.  The quotes/scriptures for each day are perfect for what we are going through.  They had no idea.  It's all God!!  A long time ago, I went through a Bible Study that talked of these God Incidents as "kisses from the King".  I have had so many kisses this past week--feeling extremely blessed.

Thank you so much for all of the emails, comments, and facebook messages--so, so encouraging.  I'm not sure why, but going through the stress of last Tuesday, encountering such risk--having SO MANY PEOPLE PRAYING completely gave this family all of the confidence and comfort we needed.  The friends we have made along the way and those of you who just heard about Gracie from another friend, yet take the time to lift her to the throne of Grace--you are a sister and brother in this great big family of God!  Thank you for following after scripture in carrying another's burdens.  As completely stressed as we were going into last week, we have felt an even greater peace as Gracie was held not in the arms of the dad or mom who adore her and take care of her, but held in the arms of the Father who created her, who gave her life, and thankfully moved the hands of the men and women in the operating room, breathing breath into her lungs.  Praise Him!!

Psalm 103:1-4  Praise the LORD, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name.  Praise the LORD, my soul; and forget not all his benefits--who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's.

 Love to you!!  Gayle and the rest of the Opps


  1. Goodness gracious! I would say Gracie really wants to get home! Thank you Jesus!

  2. What an awesome story your family has. Thanks for sharing with us all. We will still continue to pray for your family and Gracie everyday!
