Tuesday, October 25, 2011

"She is amazing!"

This is what I heard first thing as Gracie's cardiologist entered the room yesterday.  He started our conversation by telling me that Gracie has defied all odds once again.  This is one of the doctors who has been against this operation for Gracie--he really did not believe she would make it off the operating table--she just had too many strikes against her.  To see his reaction once again yesterday reinforces the magnificence that we have witnessed once again these past two weeks.  SHE SHOULD STILL BE IN THE HOSPITAL!!  And yet...she has been cleared for everything--she can go back to school, she can take baths, she can run and jump and play, she can, she can, she CAN!!

"This is the fastest, most complete recovery I have ever witnessed in this particular operation."  Not only is Gracie feeling terrific, her incisions are healed, her numbers are great, her Xray is perfect.  All glory to God!!  He has been ever present in guiding healers in the OR, in her hospital room, even at home.  AWESOME!!  As we sang the song, AMAZED, in church on Sunday, I had goosebumps, could hardly control my emotions.  You see, leaving that OR two weeks ago, knowing that the living God was in there with my girl, gave me the peace that passes all understanding that we read about in Phillipians.  The Friday prior to surgery, in my Bible study group, we had talked of God's presence everywhere.  He's right here right now!!  He was also right there as Gracie's heart was lifted out of her chest, while men and women were working on each detail just two weeks ago.  I could picture this as I left that room.  I could literally feel His Presence, pushing me out the door, letting me know He had this situation, He had my girl in His mighty hand.  I always know He is here, but that particular day, He gave me this reassurance in my heart that I could feel. 

AMAZED!  You dance over me while I am unaware.  You sing all around, but I never hear a sound.  Lord, I'm amazed by you.  Lord, I'm amazed by you.  Lord, I'm amazed by you.  How you love me.  This is the lullaby I sing to Gracie, has always been!!

The appointment yesterday was such a blessing.  Gracie was giving hugs to her cardiologist as tears filled his eyes.  We heard of Gracie's future--a bright one, indeed.  With every appointment, we hear of Gracie's short life.  This was the first time that didn't happen.  We are now talking of when she's an adult, we are talking of what can be done next, the possibility that Gracie will not need another surgery as a child!!  What??!!!??!!  Talking of issues that may arise when she's in her 30s--seriously??  We have had such a guarded heart with her life.  NOT ONCE has anyone mentioned adulthood for her.  We've always been given a limit, always learned to live in the here and now.  We never dreamed of her graduating from high school, going to the prom, having a job.  First, she was to live a month, then a year, then four years, then seven.  You can imagine how excited we are now to know that she has hope for a longer life.  Of course, none of us know how many days we have, but to be told over and over how many days she won't have has been so difficult.  We can live like she is living--that is sweet. 

Once again, we have witnessed the power of prayer.  In church our pastor has been teaching on that very subject.  God delights in the prayers of His people--it's like a fragrant offering to Him and He moves.  Would Gracie's outcome have been different without so many of us crying out to Him?  We will never know the answer to that, but we do know this.  Gracie was given some grim statistics and she's alive and well.  Her recovery has been amazing, she doesn't remember the worst day of pain, people have witnessed a miracle.  I believe in the power of prayer and I'm most thankful to be serving God, the One who hears, the One who answers, the One who desires good things for His people.  Sometimes we don't get the answers we want--I've also walked that road.  He's still good.  He still has a plan.  When leaving Gracie in the OR two weeks ago, I realized His plan could be to take her home to Himself--as difficult, as completely heart-wrenching as those thoughts were, I realized I would still love God.   She cried out, under that mask, "Mommy, help me."  I answered her, "God is here, Gracie.  He's helping you."  I knew without a doubt that she would wake up.  Hoping with everything in me that it would be my face she would be seeing, but knowing that if it wasn't mine, it would be HIS. 

I love you for loving my family!!


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