Tuesday, October 11, 2011

In Surgery

Gracie went into surgery around 7:30--she did so well until they placed the mask on her face.  Actually, we both did so well until they put the mask on her face :).  She fought breathing and was so scared.  Completely broke this mama's heart.  So, so hard to leave that room, but noone seemed to need my help in there.

Thank you so much for praying for Gracie--God hears, He knows our hearts, and holds our tears in a bottle. 

A nurse will be updating us every 2 hours throughout the day.  We have no idea how long this will take--noone is even giving us an estimate at this point.  I know it's a highly involved procedure and several unknowns.  Gracie's surgeon told Derek and me yesterday that it will be easier for him because something had grown 1/2 cm...just shows us how every cm counts. 

Thanks for praying!!



  1. Hi Gayle ~ I want to let you know that I will be praying throughout the day for your sweet Gracie! My 18 year old niece, Brynn Claire, had way too many surgeries on her heart at Saint Marys Hospital, so I know and understand the trauma of this day! I will be following your blog and hoping to hear good news. I'm going to try and find you on FB, so watch for a Friend Request from Jo Moseley.
    Sending Love to you and your family! ~ Jo

  2. I came across your blog through the Stumbo's blog. I am praying for your beautiful Gracie and your entire family. Our God is amazing. Through Him...all things are possible. May God wrap you in His arms and give you peace.
