Thursday, October 13, 2011

a little update

It's pretty tough to find time for the computer right now, but sweet little Gracie is sound asleep and it is quiet for right now.  She had a ROUGH DAY yesterday!!  They completely took her off all pain medications from noon-8:00 so she would fight a bit.  She was miserable--her lungs are really junky and they had to make her cough and cough and cough--not an easy task 24 hours after open-heart-surgery.  I can hardly take the suffering she is going through. 

Then about 9:00 last night her lungs looked really, really bad.  They even talked of placing her back on the ventilator.  They tried C-Pap first, which noone really thought she would keep on.  It was a large mask that tightly fit around her mouth and nose and it filled her lungs for her for awhile--she had it on an hour and a half!!  It was a bit of a fight getting it on, but she fell asleep and allowed it to do its job.  This went on until around midnight--she was a trooper!  I did send out a text to just a couple of friends to pray for her.  If she goes back on the ventilator, we start the recovery process over.  The past 36 hours have been really, really rough--I can't imagine a replay! 

Today, her voice is back, she's coughing stronger, she's telling the docs and nurses "no".  Last night she really wanted a drink--since the ventilator was a possibility they weren't giving her anything.  In a sweet, quiet, raspy voice she told her nurse, "apple juice now".  She got apple juice.  We aren't the only ones who have a difficult time saying "no" to this princess!!

As long as she stays off of the ventilator, we will be moving forward today--they are talking of having her walk. 

I don't have words to express our gratitude for the prayers, encouragement, and support we have received.  We are overwhelmed!! 

Psalm 147:3 (I think)  He heals the broken hearted, binding their wounds.

I'll post when I can!!



  1. Just want to let you know we are praying like crazy here at our house for you all, especially Gracie!

  2. Oh my goodness I am so sorry she's having such a rough time. My prayers for her, your family and the Doctors treating her. May the Lord strengthen her quickly!
